Seton Hill Alumni Book Club Etiquette
The purpose of the Seton Hill University Alumni Book Club is to read, enjoy new books, and (re)connect with other Seton Hill alumni. As a Book Club member, and to ensure an enjoyable experience for all participants, please:
- Make your best effort to complete the book though everyone is welcome to join the conversation.
- Come ready to both share and listen. You may find that you disagree with something that another member of the Book Club has said. It is ok to disagree as long as it is done respectfully.
- Keep on topic, but feel free to introduce information that is relevant to the discussion such as historical facts, bio details, related authors or topics, etc. The facilitator will ensure that everyone has a chance to contribute to the discussion.
- Have a great time. If you stop enjoying the Book Club, please inform the facilitator or Office of Alumni Relations privately.